The Skates

Paul and I drove the two hours to get to the Ice and Fire skating trail. It was this beautiful 1.5km skating trail lit by tiki torches. I didn’t think it would matter that I wasn’t an excellent skater. We were at the brink of collapse in our relationship. We both knew we were on…

The End of an Era

My home phone was ringing as I walked through the door. My heart skipped a beat. Was the school calling to rat me out for skipping my last class that day.. and every other day this week? "Hello?" I asked, waiting to see if I'd hear the click before the automated truancy message from the…

The Housewarming

I went to a party last Saturday. My friend Olivia and her husband bought a house in Tolbon. Tolbon is the city I used to live in. The city I abandoned. In another life. Several years have passed since then, and I've only been back a handful of times. Returning tends to be bittersweet. It's…

The Prodigal Daughter

Moving back in with my parents after my break up was so hard. The first day back was the worst. I spent it cleaning out my bedroom and emptying out the few boxes I'd brought home. I did a lot of sulking and hiding from my parents. I couldn't face them. I didn't want to…