The Plight of a People Pleaser

“Could you pick me and my friends up for the airport?”“Sure thing”“We’re short staffed, could you come in to support?”“A night at home would be a waste!” “Can you help me with this one little thing?”“Of course”“Is it cool if I put you in charge of everything?”“Yeah, you’ve got great taste.” “Are you okay to…

The Aggression

As a newcomer into the world of academic publishing sales, I was anxious to prove myself. I had gone from being a top performing teacher in my old job, to a novice, inexperienced imposter. Or so it felt. I felt like I was running too quick on my hamster wheel, just dying to get someone…

The Tire

She wandered into The Tap on a Monday afternoon like she was lost. When she turned around and saw me sitting at the first booth to her left, she looked almost relieved. I couldn't imagine why she would be. It's not like we were friends. And yet, to my surprise, she sat right down in…

The Ramp

There had been warning signs for weeks, but I never thought they would actually do it. I couldn't fathom how they could actually do it. It seemed so ludicrous. So absurd. So I wasn't prepared when it happened. It was a Wednesday morning. I picked up my coworker Amanda, and we set off on our…

The Storm

Another dreary winter in Leafton meant lots of warnings about adverse weather. Flurries, freezing rain, extreme cold, harsh winds and huge snow squalls were constantly impending. None of these things were ever as bad as when they hit right in the middle of the already messy rush hour commute. "They're calling for 30cm of snow…

The Award

I pulled up in front of my co-worker Amanda's house and took a sip of coffee. Despite the ability to wake up half an hour later than usual this morning, I was as exhausted as ever. At least today was a PD Day, and we wouldn't have to teach. Today would consist of a routine…

The Bearhouse

When I was in my senior year of high school, I thought that I would become an elementary school teacher, despite the fact that I had had in my life, very little interaction with young children. To rectify this fault, I got the bright idea to apply to The Bearhouse, a store where kids got…

The Gift Exchange

As a rookie teacher at my school, I decided to partake in the office Secret Santa exchange. Since we have a large staff and include all teachers, admin and counselors in the draw, we fill out a short survey to give our gift-giver some hints on what we might like. That year, I drew the…

The Test

I glance around the room anxiously. My students are writing a test. All I can hear is the turning of sheets, the rubbing of eraser against the page, the squeaking of desks as they write. Overhead the dull fan is our ambient noise. I can feel their nervous energy radiating off of them. Their sweaty…

The Observation

My stomach hurt. My digestive tract was failing me. This was not new. I'd felt this way several times before. My lactose intolerance loves to flare up at its worst under periods of extreme pressure. This was in addition to my internalized anxiety that had manifested itself as heart palpitations and whole body trembling. It's…