My name is Alexis Ryder, and I’ve been a closeted writer for the past 22 years.

My first attempt at writing was in 1st grade. I wrote a short story about a boy named Ricky (named after Ricky Martin) for school. My teacher loved it. My parents, the get rich quick type, instantly tried to capitalize on my newfound talent. They brought home, “How to Publish Children’s Books,” books, but quickly lost interest when I wasn’t receptive to the idea. Even back then, the thought of someone reading my stories terrified me. I continued to write stories about Ricky, and other characters, privately, for a longtime thereafter.

I was about 9 when my mom bought me my first journal on a family trip to Washington. That was when I entered the world of journaling. Before then, it had never occurred to me that I didn’t have to write fiction. I could write about my favourite topic, myself. I could take those thoughts that I was too scared to tell people out loud and write about them on paper. I had a place to document my private thoughts, which nobody ever had to read. It was cool.

In high school, I discovered the website, LiveJournal. It spoke to the database lover inside of me. It was an organized space to take all of my private thoughts and combine them into one uniformed location online. To date, I have a personal goal to type up and amalgamate all of my journal entries, right back to the very first one from Washington. I’m about 20 years behind, though.

While these days, journaling and tweeting take up most of my writing time, I’ve never lost my love of writing fiction. The fiction I write now is always loosely based on personal experience; the stories ruminating in the back of my head often manifest into short lighthearted fiction entries. I have another personal goal of combining them into a bildungsroman novel about a naive girl growing up in Southern Ontario, but I doubt anyone would actually want to read that. I’m not really that interesting.

And alas, that’s how I wound up starting this blog. I’m finally going to post those short stories about nothing. Maybe someone will find them interesting. It might be cathartic to let people in.

Happy Reading!

10 thoughts on “Welcome to My Blog

  1. I love your ‘voice’ and relate entirely to your interest in writing about your own personal experiences. They may not seem like the most exciting content at times, but they are often the most relatable, authentic, and sincere, which in turn does make them interesting. For a time I was writing fictional works exclusively and now I’m finding myself migrating to the other end of the spectrum and delving into more creative non-fiction, centered around my own personal experiences. I can’t wait to read more of your postings and the stories you mentioned above. I can assure you that people WILL find them interesting and there is an audience for your work.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Alexis. Thank you for checking out ‘Movies Ala Mark’ and “The Whisperers”–I very much appreciate it–and muchas gracias for introducing me to your blog and your brisk, open and fun style. Keep ’em coming! Cheers, Mark

    Liked by 2 people

  3. So glad that you are writing and blogging! Learning to share is a growth experience – hence my Moniker – The Reluctant Poet. It was hard for me too. Your Icon Photo is so inviting! Like you were expecting us to drop by!

    I know you are interested in writing stories but I would also like to encourage you to consider writing some poetry also. You might start with Haiku. A Japanese format that uses 3 lines with a syllable count per line of 5, 7, 5. You can check out some on WP or mine. Start tapping your fingers in 5, 7, 5 and you will start having a lot of Haiku’s.

    If you do find you might like to write poetry I would like to encourage you to check out “Poemcrazy”. It has really helped me. Check out the reviews on Amazon!

    Thanks for viewing my work!

    Liked by 1 person

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